
Upcoming Performances

Sun. 9/29/13 • Newton Community Farm Harvest Festival - 11:00 AM -3:00 PM - 303 Nahanton St., Newton MA

Past Gigs

7/28/13; 7/15/12 • Acton-Boxborough Farmers Market - 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM.  Pearl Street, West Acton Village, one block south from the intersection of Route 111 and Central Street, West Acton, MA.

5/29/13; 12/12, 7/18, 5/30/12 •  Stone Hearth Pizza Restaurant - 7:00 to 9:00 PM. 974 Great Plain Avenue, Needham, MA.

8/4/13; 10/21, 9/9, 7/22/12 • Needham Farmers Market - 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.  First Parish in Needham UU, 23 Dedham Avenue, Needham, MA.

9/23/12; 9/25/11 • Newton Community Farm Harvest Festival - 11:00 AM -3:00 PM - Nahanton St., Newton MA
9/12, 8/5, 7/1, 6/3, 5/12/12 •  South Natick Art in the Park - Shaw Park, near the corner of Union/Pleasant Street & Route 16, South Natick, MA.  

5/12/12 • Natick Farmers Market - 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.  Natick Common, Routes 27 & 135, Natick, MA.

3/11/12 • Musical entertainment for Selectman Campaign Kick-off event, Needham, MA

3/8/12 • Opening performer @ Harvest Café, Hudson, MA.

2/28/12 • Short Feature @ Nourish Restaurant Open Mic. 1727 Massachusetts Ave. Lexington, MA

2/18/12 • Byrds Theme Night @ Gulu-Gulu Café.  247 Essex St. Salem, MA

1/7, 21, 28; 2/4, 11, 25; 3/3, 24, 31, 2012 • Natick Winter Farmers' Market - 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.  MetroWest Medical Center/ Leonard Morse Hospital Natick, MA 01760

11/13/11 • Featured Performer - Fireside Coffehouse, Norwood, MA

3/29/11 • Featured Performer @ Nourish Restaurant Open Mic. 1727 Massachusetts Ave. Lexington, MA 02420